Create images in your corporate design with AI

Fine-tune AI on your style, products and people. Generate consistent images.


Train AI on your corporate style, products and people. 


Generate images consistently in your corporate branding.


Enhance images with AI tools that empower your daily workflow.

One tool for all your brand's asset needs

Assured brand fidelity

Easily fine-tune AI on your brand with zero expertise. Ensure brand fidelity on your style, products and people.

Lightning-fast creation

Finally, your marketing team can create customized media at lightning speed.

Your assets, your data

Privacy is at the core of our business. Your  models are only accessible for your organization.

Why marketing teams love Samsa

Wait, there's even more

Pixel perfect illustrations

Whether modern flat design or 3D graphics: Our AI models cover every style with pixel perfection.

Nitro speed

You get your images in no time thanks to the latest Nvidia H100 GPU processors.

Simplified workflow

We simplify the branding approval process with your custom AI models.

Collaboration made easy

Cooperation is our focus. Generate images and share them with your team.

Creative AI tools

Finalize the images directly in the browser. Easily with AI, without any special prior knowledge.

Photorealistic visuals

You can fire your photographer. With our images, you have to look twice to see if it’s really AI.

Create images
in your branding now